It’s almost time for the kids to come out and play!

That’s right although the dreary rain makes summer seem so far away, it’s almost summertime!  Before you know it, the time will have arrived for summer camp!

We’re here to help you get started on planning summer activities with a few tips for you on the perfect local camps for your child:

Stanford is just up the street from Redwood Gate in Palo Alto.   Stanford offers many exciting academic and athletic camps at their campus for kids from 7 to 18.  Learn more about these exciting offerings:

Keep reading for more can’t miss summer camps….

The new Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto is also close to Redwood Gate and Echelon in Palo Alto for many new SummerHill homeowners.

Mountain View just posted their summer activity guide, so new homeowners at Satake Estates are sure to find the perfect summer activity for their kids:

In San Bruno, you can’t miss this preview of summer camp offerings sure to bring fun for kids of all ages at Merimont.

And, your local branch of the YMCA of Silicon Valley has many offerings, perfect for kids of any age, plus a special incentive if you sign-up before April 18th!

For a directory with even more camps, Bay Area Kid Fun, has a comprehensive listing with camps throughout the Bay Area for you:

Or if you’re interested in fun day trips with your family this summer, you can’t miss this post!

Any more exciting ideas, we’d love to hear them!