Homeowners at Satake Estates in Mountain View are out to save the world. 36% of all homeowner’s to date have chosen the solar option for their home. That number is sure to grow with more buyers choosing green options. And, even buyers who may not choose the option now, have the option to add solar in the future as SummerHill is pre-wiring every home for solar.
Now you don’t have to be the ugly duckling of the neighborhood either as the solar tiles blend in as part of the roof making solar attractive and affordable.  The common response from visitors to Satake Estates is “I can’t believe how nice they look. I didn’t realize I was even looking at solar.â€

Reduce your energy bills, get a 30% tax credit and help solve global warming. That is the goal and Satake Estates’ homeowners are joining in the solution.
Saving with solar is alive and well at Satake Estates.