How do you relax and recharge?

Well, first, it’s hard to believe it has already been two weeks since my last post for Let’s Blog Off!  Time has flown by and partly because I am getting excited for the first of several getaway trips that will take me far away from email and my ever present Droid phone.

Relaxing and recharging for me is about downtime.  I love it and I need it.  It was the inspiration for the question that I posted last week on our Facebook page asking where people are headed for vacation.

Sometimes that downtime takes me to a beach with a good book and several magazines and if I am lucky a delicious cocktails.  Other times the downtime is smaller and takes place on our sunny balcony enjoying a glass of wine while watching the sun set behind the hills of open space that surround our townhome community.

We also enjoy the more casual vibe of summer cooking, dinner often entails something on the grill.

And, this gorgeous summer weather has that relax and recharge vibe, certainly about time for the Bay Area to enjoy some sunshine – Hello Summer!